Monday, June 21, 2010

Stop #1 - Lakefield National Park (Hann Crossing)

After a full day Friday consisting of shopping, packing, and last minute thinking...surely I am forgetting something, the car is packed! The house is in shambles and I think i better clean it just a little otherwise i will have a fit coming home to a messy house! Then some great friends come over to wish us well and say goodbye with a few drinks. 10pm and it's off to bed, the excitement is too much for me and i struggle to get to sleep, finally start to dose off and what do you know our neighbours come last they leave again and I drift off into dreamland. Then 4am i hear some duff duff....oh hey it's the neighbours loading who knows what into their ute at this absurd time of night, and then they leave again. By this time there is no way we can get back to sleep so we may as well make a start on this adventure! Shovel in some break-slow and load some last little tid-bits into the car before rounding up the kiddies. Some early morning shots below...

It is 5:45am so we stop for a McCafe coffee and head on up the road towards Mossman for our 4-5 hour trip to Lakefield National park. About 30 minutes into the drive we have an explosion...out of Kodie's tummy. That's right she has spewed all over in the back seat, just what you need in a car full of gear not to mention not having access to things to clean it up properly. So after a quick pit stop and change we get back on the road. 5 hours or so later we reach the below signs...

comforting...... and.....Not so comforting.....

We head down the track to get to Hann crossing as see a few really great things on the way....

The above is a picture of White Lilly Lagoon, with Tegan standing in front of it and a pretty big monitor we saw on the way.

We pick out a campsite right on the bank of the river...on the freshwater side of the crossing, still a little bit weary of crocodilly, but after the first afternoon and night, we realize that there is nothing to be afraid of and we are finally able to relax a little.

That is all for Hann Crossing, Next stop....Archer River Roadhouse ~ See you there!

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